Data Model

The data model was designed to keep to the original data’s structure as closely as possible. There were mostly minor changes as a result of following the PEP8 guidelines such as turning variable names from using camelCase to under_scores.

Each resource is mapped into an object. Each value in a JSON resource is mapped to an attribute of the object. You can access these values using the syntax Object.attribute. For example:

>>> import pyfootball
>>> f = pyfootball.Football('your_api_key')
>>> my_team = f.get_team(5)
FC Bayern München


Attribute Type Description
id integer The ID of the competition.
name string The name of the competition.
code string The League Code of the competition.
year integer The year in which the competition started. For example, the year for a 16/17 competition would be 2016.
current_matchday integer The competition’s current matchday.
number_of_matchdays integer The number of matchdays in this competition.
number_of_teams integer The number of teams competing in this competition.
number_of_games integer The number of games in this competition.
last_updated datetime The date and time at which this resource was last updated.


Attribute Type Description
competition_id integer The competition ID for this league table.
competition_name string The competition name for this league table.
current_matchday id The current matchday.
standings list A list of Standing objects. The list is one-indexed so as to correspond with the position in the table (i.e. standings[1] is the top of the table)


Each Standing object represents a “row” in the league table.

Attribute Type Description
team_id integer The team ID.
team_name string The team name.
crest_url string A link to an image of the team’s crest.
position integer The current team’s position.
games_played integer The number of games played by this team.
points integer The number of points that this team has.
goals integer The number of goals scored by this team.
goals_against integer The number of goals conceded by this team.
goal_difference integer (goals - goals_against)
wins integer The number of wins this team has.
draws integer The number of draws this team has.
losses integer The number of losses this team has.
home dict Contains goals, goals_against, wins, draws, and losses keys with integer values that represent home stats.
away dict Contains goals, goals_against, wins, draws, and losses keys with integer values that represent away stats.


Attribute Type Description
date datetime The fixture date and time.
status string The status of this fixture.
matchday integer The matchday on which this fixture is set.
home_team string The name of the home team.
home_team_id integer The ID of the home team.
away_team string The name of the away team.
away_team_id integer The ID of the away team.
competition_id integer The ID of the competition for this fixture.
result dict The result for this fixture. None if the match is not complete. Otherwise, contains home_team_goals and away_team_goals keys with integer values. Some Fixtures have a half_time key set for the score at half time.
odds dict The betting odds for this fixture. None if not available. Otherwise, contains home_win, draw and away_win keys with float values.


Attribute Type Description
id integer The team ID.
name string The team name.
code string The team code (e.g. Borussia Dortmund’s code is BVB).
short_name string The team’s short name.
market_value string The collective market value of the team’s squad.
crest_url string A link to an image of the team’s crest.


Attribute Type Description
name string The player’s name.
position string The player’s position on the field.
jersey_number integer The player’s kit number.
date_of_birth date The player’s date of birth.
nationality string The player’s nationality.
contract_until date The date of the player’s contract expiry with their team.
market_value string The player’s market value.